Inspired Me Studio on Zazzle

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This months featured products from the Inspired Me Studio main store on Zazzle.

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  • Minx Nail Wraps

    Minx Nail Wraps

    price: $27.60
    Digital oil painting of the Union Jack. Both hands print run in same direction. Original was created using digital meta...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: union jack, metallic, flag, digital painting, oil painting, red, blue, silver, w...
  • Kitchen Towel

    Kitchen Towel

    price: $23.60
    A Group of eight spiders paired almost in dance. This digitally made print, was made from the Spider dance wallpaper ar...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: kitchen towel, spiders, print, spider dance print, digital art, goth, gothic, sp...
  • Minx Nail Wraps

    Minx Nail Wraps

    price: $27.60
    Cute monochrome Created from a digital illustration of a ball of yarn, in the shape of a heart with yarn strand tail. B...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: yarn ball heart, yarn, wool, digital illustration, monochrome, black, white, hea...
  • Coloring Poster

    Coloring Poster

    price: $42.90
    Budgie flying among floral branches, black and white line art. suitable for adult coloring poster or as monochrome decor...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: budgies, birds, line art, coloring poster, adult coloring, floral, budgies and f...
  • Minx Nail Wraps

    Minx Nail Wraps

    price: $27.60
    Green and red hummingbird, hovering in flight below a cluster of four red flowers. Pastel shades with black outlines, on...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: hummingbird, flowers, green hummingbird, red flowers, inspired me studio, whimsy...
  • Whimsy Hummingbird

    Whimsy Hummingbird

    price: $4.75
    The Whimsy Hummingbird Sketch, created entirely in digital medium. Features a green hummingbird hovering in flight with ...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: hummingbird, flowers, green, whimsy, digital, red, drawing, digital sketch, whim...
  • Card


    price: $4.72
    This Mother's Day card design features a green and red hummingbird. Hummingbird is hovering in air with red flowers. ...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: mothers day, hummingbird, flowers, green and red hummingbird, insdio me studio, ...
  • Heart Postcard

    Heart Postcard

    price: $1.65
    A Heart in the art style of pointillism. Created, using digital medium simulating oil paint daubs on chalkboard. This ar...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: i love you, postcard, pointillism heart, digital art, abstract art, valentines d...
  • Kiss Pillow

    Kiss Pillow

    price: $46.50
    Painting of Woman kissing crystal heart. Heart Felt Kiss is a "traditional" art piece , created by digital med...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: heart, felt, kiss, digital, abstract, art, valentine, love, woman, pink, red
  • Keychain


    price: $30.30
    Digital monochrome illustration of a heart shaped yarn ball, with yarn tail trailing from the ball. Above and bellow ar...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: yarn ball heart, yarn ball, heart, heart shape, art, illustraition, drawing, bla...
  • Wrapping Paper

    Wrapping Paper

    price: $30.85
    The Whimsy Hummingbird Sketch, created entirely in digital medium. Features a green hummingbird hovering in flight with...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: hummingbird, flowers, green hummingbird, red flowers, inspired me studio, whimsy...
  • Throw Pillow

    Throw Pillow

    price: $52.25
    Sometimes we just need something to hug. Throw Pillow with Hug Me in silver squeezed 3D paint tube effect front. On rev...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: abstract art, valentines scribble, hearts, stars, love, red, digital art, hug me...
  • T-Shirt


    price: $24.00
    Black pen and pencil drawing of a perched barn owl perched on a post. with its head tilted and looking forward. Great ...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: barn owl, drawing, pen, black, white, art, bird, perched owl, owl, titled head
  • Car Mat

    Car Mat

    price: $140.00
    Originally hand drawn in black pen. This hovering hummingbird and cypress vine flower with leaves, is set on a customiza...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: hummingbird art, hovering hummingbird, hummingbird, art, hummingbird drawing, hu...
  • Keychain


    price: $34.70
    Original pen on paper sketch of a hummingbird hovering in flight. Hummingbirds are said to remind us with their unique f...
    design: InspiredMeStudio

    tags: hummingbird sketch, hovering hummingbird, black, white, bird, hummingbird, hummi...
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