Good New Iris, Floriography Inkblot Art.

I’ve been quiet lately on the posting news front as well as new blog posts.  This is mostly in part because I started a project that I expected to take no more than a week and that snowballed into a bigger job than I thought it was going to be.   I decided to do a bit of virtual house keeping, and no doubt some of you have noticed a few changes on this website, with new additions and tweaks here and there.  Unfortunately I am still not finished.  But you can expect a new blog addition to this website in the next few weeks focusing on my fabric design.  Hopefully I shall be finished with the majority of my virtual house keeping by the end of the next two weeks, unless more things pop up that I hadn’t thought of.

One of the changes I wanted to make was a featured image for my news page.   It’s been my to-do list for a long while. I kept changing my mind as to an appropriate image.  I finally a month or two ago settled on an idea and instead of changing my mind it stuck. Simple to the point and with meaning.

What imagery could convey news you ask? That’s pretty much what I was struggling with for a long time too.  But then whilst I was looking through my floriography dictionary, I came across the entry for iris flowers, blue ones to be exact.  A beautiful flower that I not only loved enough to consider for my wedding bouquet (unfortunately they didn’t happen due to the florist couldn’t find any at his supplier that morning of good enough quality, though my bouquet was still beautiful none the less) but also in my favorite colour.

The symbology made sense. It also made sense to call on my floriography inkblot artwork for another element of my website seen as I already had incorporated the medium and style for my logo. It was decided, hopefully no more changing  of my mind.

So this posts artwork is a floriography inkblot piece on the blue iris.  I call it “Good News Iris” for the floriography meaning of blue iris flowers which is good news..  Inspiration was it’s meaning and intended purpose.

I used blue finger paint and green food dye dissolved in water to create to create the inkblots on watercolour paper stock as I was at the time making salt and watercolour art with my daughter S and that’s the paint mediums we were using for that.  Which just goes to show you don’t need to use professional mediums to make something look good, and weird experimentation’s can result in some beautiful outcomes.  Over the inkblots I drew by hand the Iris details, first in pencil and secondly in gold oil based sharpie pen. Then finished it off with gold gel pen for the hand written floriography and my two signatures.

And this is the final piece.

"Good News Iris" Floriography Inkblot artwork of a blue Iris. The blue iris can mean good news.

“Good News Iris”
Floriography Inkblot artwork of a blue Iris. The blue iris can mean good news.

So there you have it…. my new news page icon.  Now don’t forget to check out my news feed page for babble, I mean good news from me between posts.  Now it has a featured image there’s no excuse to miss the page.

As I always do with most of my art I shall be making “Good News iris” available in my POD stores, should you wish to own your own piece of good news. Just follow anyone of my various store links to check whats available.


Oh that flirtatious little dandelion.

It’s Valentine’s Day coming up and I bet when you think of flowers and romance you envision red roses.

But there’s another unappreciated plant that would also fit the romantic flowers category, though when I tell you what that plant is you might not believe me.

If anything this plant probably brings to mind childhood play times in the grass, fairies, wishes, free snacks for pet rabbits and if you are like my husband, sheer loathing.  As the designated person in charge of the grassy areas on our property, this plant is a thorn in his side. To be pulled and discarded at first sight.  It’s not something he wants in his garden (not that the dandelions care about those wishes), no doubt any romantic connotation is far from his mind when he sees one.  But if you look up the symbolic meanings of this plant, then you might be in for a surprise.  For something so supposedly unwanted, the results sure are poetic and beautiful.

There’s more than one meaning for this plant, and I shall focus on only one for this post.  One that is quite appropriate for a certain popular day that’s coming up, Coquetry.  The definition of coquetry is “a flirtatious manor or flirtatious behavior”.  And by plant I mean a very well known garden weed.  This fluffy little guy.

That flirtatious little dandelion puff n our garden... It's floriography meaning is coquetry.

That flirtatious little dandelion puff n our garden… It’s floriography meaning is coquetry.

Yup that’s right I am talking about the dandelion.  Dandelions are flirty.  Bet that’s not something you would have ever thought before reading this.  And if we are really honest, a lot lot cheaper than the Valentine’s Day standard of red roses.  But somehow I don’t think my husband will take up giving me dandelions as tokens of affection.  And the real thing whilst quite pretty once gone to seed is quite quite delicate.  One breath, or sneeze and you’ve got a bare stem.

This little, delicate and fun garden weed, with its surprising floriography meaning inspired me.  So I broke out the green ink again.

drawing in green ink, with a dropper. This is how my inkblot art starts.

drawing in green ink, with a dropper. This is how my inkblot art starts.

 And I started making some green grass inkblots.

Fresh green inkblots before the details of the flower have been added.

Fresh green inkblots before the details of the flower have been added.

 This time I went with silver pen instead of gold like the roses.  I felt the silver suited the green and the dandelion puff much more.

Close up of the silver details being added.

Close up of the silver details being added.

 After a few stolen work minutes here and there I finally had something finished.

Coquetry Floriography Inkblot of the Dandelion. Finished piece.

Coquetry Floriography Inkblot of the Dandelion. Finished piece.

I am pretty happy with how it came out.  It even looks good in a white frame.

Originals of two floriography inkblots featuring Dandelion/Coquetry (left in frame) and Ivy/friendship (right)

Originals of two floriography inkblots featuring Dandelion/Coquetry (left in frame) and Ivy/friendship (right)

 And as I have enjoyed creating these inkblots, and learning about floriography so much, I am going to set you all the challenge to join me.

Lets blow up our social media with beautiful flowers, plants, and beautiful sentiments.  We can fill the internet with secret messages and learn about floriography together.

I want you to share pictures of a plant or flower in your feeds be it facebook, twitter, Google+, Tsu, Pinterest, or even Instagram. It can be a photo or even a picture you drew or created.  Along with the flower or plant’s name, it’s floriography meaning and the tag #FloriographyInkblotInspiredMe so we can all see see it. Come on lets communicate through flowers and plants on the internet. It will make a pretty change in our news feeds from the usual image content we see and share, and you might find some of the meanings surprising.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you share.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. May your days be filled with coquetry and love.

Are you having a Merry Christmas?


We celebrate Christmas in our house.  And this year V was off work for both Christmas day and Boxing Day (it’s a Brit thing), so we have had a busy week.  Actually with two days of friends and family dinners and another play date and dinner for S, it’s been a really really busy week.  And with that and being busy to the lead up to Christmas I never managed to finish my artwork for my Christmas post.

So I’m sneaking on now to share it with you and to just say…

Hope you had a happy holidays and have a great new year.  And thanks for supporting me, my art and my blog.

I’m looking forward to sharing more art with you in the new year.

These two inkblot art pieces were inspired by a beautiful poinsettia I bought this month.

Green and red Poinsettia floriography inkblot artwork. The Poinsettia ~ Good cheer and success.

Green and red Poinsettia floriography inkblot artwork. The Poinsettia ~ Good cheer and success.

The poinsettia has more than one floriography meaning that i have found through research.  This piece depicts the meaning “Good cheer and success” which no doubt is connected to it’s popularity as a decorative Christmas plant and it’s association with Christmas.

 This second piece is another inkblot artwork featuring the poinsettia plant… this time leaving out the green ink.

Floriography inkblot of a poinsettia with the meaning of purity.

Floriography inkblot of a poinsettia with the meaning of purity.

From research I have found it stated that the Aztecs gave the meaning of purity to the poinsettia. And that they used it’s red leaves for dye. Sometimes you learn more than you expect when studying up on something simple.  Look up the meaning of a plant and end up reading a page on the Aztecs, their sacrifice beliefs and where they got dye from.

See you in the New Year everyone. Good cheer and success to you all!